Detailed information about the course

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Field course at Lake Cadagno


12-16 July


Prof Mauro Tonolla, UNIGE,

Dr. Nicola Storelli, SUPSI 


Prof. UAS Dr. Mauro Tonolla, UNIGE et SUPSI

Dr. Nicola Storelli, SUPSI

Dr. Antoine Buetti-Dinh, SUPSI MSc

Francesco Di Nezio, UNIGE et SUPSI

Dr. Matthieu Bueche, UNINE

Dr. Damien Bouffard, ETH EAWAG

Dr. Oscar Sepulveda-Steiner ETH EAWAG

Dr. Anupam Sengupta University of Luxembourg.


This 5-day activity aims at offering the students the required training by combining field activities with the development of a practical project that can be accomplished in the field. This will be complemented by presentations and discussion (by the students and participants) related to topics linked to the environment under study (Lake Cadagno and its catchment area in the Piora region, Tessin).


The activity is structured around theoretical and practical parts: lessons and didactic material accompany the practical work on Lake Cadagno and in the field (physical, chemical and biological analysis; in situ hybridization, flow cytometry, etc.). The emphasis is on the detection and typing of microorganisms and their ecological role in the biogeochemical cycles of matter.




Find here attached the program of the course: PDF


Alpine Biology Center, Piora Ticino


Please review the logistic and Covid-related information sent by email before registering.


Registration fee: please note that there is a 200 CHF registration fee to pay at the time of registration. Please wait for the doctoral program to confirm your registration before paying these 200 CHF. We will provide you with instruction.

Please note the cancellation fee in case of unjustified late cancellation (after 30.06.2021) or no show: 200 CHF.



Deadline for registration

In case of questions, please contact:

Dr. Nicola Storelli
Laboratory of applied microbiology

[email protected]

and always put us in CC: [email protected]

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