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Python for Linguists


22-23 juin 2023

Lang EN Workshop language is English
Responsable de l'activité

Richard HUYGHE


Mme Justine Salvadori, UNIFR

Prof. Richard Huyghe, UNIFR


Mme Noëmi Aepli, UZH, Department of Computational Linguistics


FR: L'objectif de cette activité est de permettre aux doctorant·es en Sciences du langage de se familiariser avec Python, l'un des langages de programmation les plus populaires actuellement pour l'analyse de données et le traitement automatique des langues. Les participant·es auront à cette occasion l'opportunité de développer leurs compétences en collecte, traitement et visualisation de matériel linguistique. Un accent particulier sera mis sur les méthodes d'analyse de corpus. Aucune connaissance préalable en programmation n'est requise.

EN: The objective of this workshop is to provide PhD students in linguistics with basic training in Python, one of the most popular programming languages for data analysis and automatic language processing today. Participants will have the opportunity to develop their skills in collecting, processing and visualizing linguistic material. Special emphasis will be placed on corpus analysis methods. No prior knowledge of programming is required.


Indicative timetable

June 22

9 am-12:30 pm: 1st part of the course

12:30 pm-2 pm: lunch

2 pm-5:30 pm: 2nd part of the course

from 7:00 pm: dinner in town

June 23

9 am-12:30 pm: 3rd part of the course

12:30 pm-2 pm: lunch

2pm-5:30 pm: 4th part of the course


Provisional outline

- Data types and Variables

- Control Structures (i.e. if/else, for, while,…)

- Input-Output

- Regular expressions

- Text manipulations

- Working with the Spacy library

- Working with text corpora formats (e.g. XML)

- A glimpse into the Huggingface Library (working with Neural Networks) if there is time and interest


Université de Fribourg



Délai d'inscription 15.06.2023
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